venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Pallidamente: le nostre opere in concorso

Fun loves Darkness
Laura Raveggi

Angela Sbandelli

Dangerous Library
Laura Raveggi

Se le nostre immagini vi piacciono potete prenderne visione, e votarle sin da ora, fino alla mezzanotte del 30 settembre 2011 su
Votare è molto semplice, aprite le immagini, le guardate e se volete votarle fate click sull'icona "Mi piace" posta all'inizio ed alla fine dell'opera.
Ricordatevi che per ogni opera è possibile votare solamente una volta al giorno fino ad un massimo di 3 voti giornalieri.
Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno votarci ;)
Angela & Laura

domenica 11 settembre 2011

Festa Medievale - Signa 2011

Anche questo Settembre abbiamo avuto la nostra dose di fiera medievale.
Il periodo estivo, in Italia, fiocca di fiere sul tema e anche Signa, in provincia di Firenze, non fa eccezione.
In occasione del Palio degli Arcieri e del Banchetto Medievale, i vicoli di Castello, la parte vecchia del paese, si sono riempiti di banchi di ogni genere: lo scalpellino, lo scriba, lo speziale, un banco con tessuti fatti in tempo
reale al telaio, perfino un fabbro che azionava il mantice! E naturalmente, vino, biscotti e un sacco di dolci... yum! Oltre alla (a volte soffocante) folla le strade erano piene di figuranti e attori, con dame, cavalieri, prigionieri, boia, arceri e anche un gruppo di falconieri.
Un ringraziamento speciale va alla Compagnia del Lupo Rosso, che ci ha lasciato assistere a diverse prove di combattimento con la spada e ha risposto con infinita pazienza alle mie mille domande!

These first days of September, as usual, we had a taste of Medieval Feast.
Summertime, in Italy, is the ideal time for many feasts on the theme and Signa, near Florence, is not exception. As long as the Palio of Archers and the traditional Medieval Banquet took place, the streets of Castello - Signa's old city - were full of all kind of stands: a stonecutter, a scribe, the drysalter, tissues made in real time with a handloom, a smith with his bellows... and obviously wine, cookies and many different cakes... yum! In the middle of an overwhelming crowd of visitors, you could find actors and people in traditional costumes like Ladies, Knights, soldiers, prisoners, archers and also a group of Falconers.
A special thank goes to the Red Wolf Company, who let us look at some spectacular sword fighting duels and answerd with endless patience to all my questions!


E 2!

Stavolta ho un po' esagerato ma non ho resistito alla tentazione di un'altra ricettina per il cooking 4 kids contest di They draw and cook!

Per vederla tutta intera cliccare qui

giovedì 1 settembre 2011

Dear JAPAN:Messages of hope from picture book artists worldwide

A few months ago i sent an illustration to the Art Ehon organization for the project "HOPE IN JAPAN", now renamed "Dear JAPAN:Messages of hope from picture book artists worldwide," to help the victims of the natural disaster.

Today i received this email from Tomoko Yamamoto, president of the organizations:

"Thanks to your warmest cooperation, we have received illustrations with messages from 135 illustrators of 24 nationalities. Such overwhelming responsewas just beyond our imagination, and it took us so much longer to put all thedata in order, and have messages and profiles translated and edited.

In the meantime, we are delighted to inform you that on July 22, thirty-seven “Dear JAPAN” illustrations of Italian artists including yourwork were exhibited at the entrance hall of the Istitute Italiano di Cultura inTokyo. A charity piano concert for victims of Japanese earthquake was held atthe Istitute on that same evening.

Some “Dear JAPAN” works are expected to bedisplayed once again at the same site in this coming December, during the annual picture books exhibition hosted by the Istitute.

Furthermore,sixty-six “Dear JAPAN” illustrations with messages including yours have been displayed at “World Picture Books Exhibition: Bologna Children's Book Fair inItabashi” held in Itabashi Ward in Tokyo, a sister city of Bologna from 20th to28th August, 2011.
Following the success of the Itabashi exhibition, these works are now scheduled to be on display at Tamagawa Children’s Library in Kanazawa City, IshikawaPrefecture (situated in northwestern Japan) from mid-September to early Octoberthis year.

Now we enter into the final stages of the iPhone app production and we will inform you as soon as we know the release date of the "Dear JAPAN" iPhon app. "

I am very proud i could contribute in such a great initiative and i hope this is really helping people in trouble.