sabato 20 agosto 2011

New contest and new recipe!

They draw and cook launched a new recipe contest the Cooking 4 kids sponsored by
I was wondering about doing something with balckberry, is the end of a very hot summer here in Italy and where i live there are many blackberry bush with lots of fruit, but then i found this wonderful recipe on's kid-friendly section, i think making lollypops with cookies is a great idea and i hope the author of this recipe will like my illustration.
To see my work in a larger version click here and feel free to leave a comment!

giovedì 4 agosto 2011

Concorso Illustra Pinocchio

Ho appena finito la tavola per il concorso "Illustra Pinocchio" per festeggiare i 130 anni dalla nascita di Pinocchio.
Sulla pagina facebook dedicata al concorso si possono vedere tutte le opere pervenute fino ad ora, tra cui quella di Laura.
Si può partecipare fino al 10 settembre