domenica 27 marzo 2011


This is Laura illustration for the Japan help project after the natural disaster Haiku 4 happiness:

The idea? Simple and effective as a haiku! So does this project: we collect illustrations inspired by Japan. What makes you think this country? You have complete freedom on the subject and technique. Take inspiration from his poetry, slid the china on your own brushes, imagine the magic of nature, not forgetting the famous manga. We describe a new smile for a country that should and can be reborn. We are already in action, each illustration will be posted on this blog along with the data of the author. In a few days we will be at Bologna Children's Book Fair hoping to give you some more good news from the many meetings scheduled, and the interest we have shown thatseveral non-profit organization in recent days.

Thank you all for reading, share and participate! Arigato ^_^ We are waiting for your drawings

Take a look on the website for all the wonderful illustration!

lunedì 14 marzo 2011

martedì 8 marzo 2011

Tempo di Carnevale e di Mimose....

Lo Sketchbook project Tour è partito, dalla Brooklyn Library la prossima tappa sarà il Texas!
Così ho pensato di postare uno dei miei sketch, purtroppo il colore non rende come dal vivo, ma era davvero brillante come il colore delle mimose in questo periodo!
E ovviamente non si può dimenticare la fine del Carnevale, la voglia di Primavera (ormai ci siamo!!!) e di divertirsi fuori dalle solite quattro mura!

martedì 1 marzo 2011

IF - Swarm

Just a quick sketch for this Illustration Friday's theme of the week.... We're in a hurry for the next Bologna Book Fair, so let's get back to work and good luck to every illustrator who's going to participate!